Do any of these sound familiar? You Know You’ve Got Little Kids If…
…You long for the day where you choose a restaurant because of it’s wine list instead of whether or not it has crayons at the hostess stand.
…You’ve ever gone for “a little drive” just so that you can get out and see the world with your kids securely fastened in a 5 point harness.
…You’ve ever said “That’s so interesting” or “Uh-huh really?” but have no clue what the other person is talking about and have absolutely no intention of finding out.
…You’ve ever purposely lost a game of Uno to avoid a meltdown.
…You’ve ever yelled at Dora for telling your kids to be “LOUDER!”.
…You’ve had to repeat the words “get dressed” more than twenty times in a single hour and you are not a doctor. [Read more…]