5 to fifteen

She better be right about this.

My mother has always said that kids are at their best between the ages of 5 to fifteen.  Ten glorious years when they are old enough to let go of your apron strings yet still young enough to not hate you. This is not to say that my mom hasn’t met her fair share of unsavory eight year olds, but in general, she believes that if you do the work before five, the next decade should be pretty great.

My name is Erin Myles and I am the mother of two children under the age of five. It is this idea that gets me through the day without burning my house down.

I’ll be honest, when it comes to parenting I have a lot of questions and very few answers. I am writing this blog as an outlet for my queries, musings and sheer frustration with the parenting process.  If you’ve come here in search of advice, you’ve come to the wrong place.  I have none.  At this point, I feel as long as I don’t wake up one night with one, or both of my kids holding a hammer over my head then I’ve done my job as a parent.


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